Organic vs. Non-Organic Organic produce: Grown with natural fertilizers (manure, compost). Weeds are controlled naturally (crop rotation, hand weeding, mulching, and tilling) or with organic-approved herbicides. Pests are controlled using natural methods (birds, insects, traps) and naturally-derived pesticides. Organic meat, dairy, eggs: Livestock are given all organic, hormone- and GMO-free feed. Disease is prevented with natural methods such as clean housing, rotational grazing, and healthy diet. Livestock must have access to the outdoors. Conventionally-grown produce: Grown with synthetic or chemical fertilizers. Weeds are controlled with chemical herbicides. Pests are controlled with synthetic pesticides Conventionally-raised meat, dairy, eggs Livestock are given growth hormones for faster growth, as well as non-organic, GMO feed. Antibiotics and medications are used to prevent livestock disease. Livestock may or may not have access to the outdoors.